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郑濡永  陈桂清 《菌物学报》1991,10(Z1):45-58
由石家庄中国人民解放军白求恩国际和平医院皮肤科李成龙大夫提供的一株人体皮肤病菌经我们研究鉴定为毛霉目(Mucorales)毛霉科(Mucoraceae)根毛霉属(Rhizomucor)的一个种,并定名为多变根毛霉新种(Rhizomucor variabilis Zheng & G.-q.Chen sp. nov.)。据李大夫介绍,这株菌是从一名居住在江苏农村到该医院看病的女病人的手上病部分离的。这个病人没有一般真菌病病人所患有的其他疾病如糖尿病、白血病等等。她也没有患有其他毛霉病,因此她的皮肤毛霉病是原发性的而不是继发性的。我们查阅文献结果,国内由根毛霉属真菌引致的毛霉病过去仅有过一次肺部感染的报道;国外则有过较多次数的由根毛霉引致的人体毛霉病,主要为肺部疾病并可引致继发性的皮肤病,尚未见有由根毛霉属引起的原发性皮肤毛霉病的报道。无论国内、外引起人体毛霉病的根毛霉均为微小根毛霉[Rhizomucor pusillus(Lindt) Schipper,包括Mucor pusillus Lindt,Mucor parasiticus Lucet & Costanin等异名]一种。因此,本病例为我国第二例由根毛霉弓l起的人体毛霉病及第一例由根毛霉引起的人体皮肤毛霉病,同时又是全世界第一例由根毛霉属除微小根毛霉以外的另外一个种引起的人体毛霉病,很可能还是全世界第一例由根毛霉引起的人体原发性皮肤毛霉病。多变根毛霉与根毛霉属内所有过去已报道过的种都有显著差异。它的最适生长温度为24-30℃,最低9℃,最高38℃;其他种均为高温真菌,它们的最高生长温度可达55℃或更高。形态方面,多变根毛霉也与属内其他已知种明显不同。它的菌落高达4-8 mm并呈鲜明的浅黄色;其他已知种菌落低矮,除奈尼塔尔根毛霉(Rhizomucor nainitalensis Joshi)外全部为深暗灰色,奈尼塔尔根毛霉菌落色泽虽然较浅,但为浅灰或灰黄色,与多变根毛霉的鲜明黄色不同。它的假根异常发达并可从菌体的各个部位如菌丝、匍匐丝、孢子枝、孢子囊、囊轴上长出;其他已知种的假根一般都不发达且从未见有从孢子枝、孢子囊、囊轴等处长出的描述。它的孢子枝的分枝常常长于主枝;其他已知种则分枝长度一般不超过主枝。它的囊轴形状多变:球形、近球形、扁球形、卵形、椭圆形、梨形等等,两边对称或不对称,溢缩或不绕缩,纵向深裂或不作纵向深裂;其他已知种的囊轴形状通常为倒卵形至梨形的规则形状。它的囊领明显;其他已知种的囊领均很不明显至缺如。它的孢囊孢子形状和大小变化都较大,卵形、椭圆形、矩圆形、近球形、近三角形或其他各种不规则形状,长度范围2.5-16.5 μm;其他已知种除上面已经提到过的奈尼塔尔根毛霉外,它们的孢囊孢子形状仅限于卵形、椭圆形、近球形等较规则的形状,长度范围总是在3-6 μm范围内,奈尼塔尔根毛霉的孢囊孢子形状虽然多变,但其决度亦在3-6 μm的范围内。此外,多变根毛霉的孢子囊、囊轴、孢囊孢子等各种构造均较大;其他已知种则较小,其中肿梗根毛霉[Rhizomucor tauricus (Milko & Schkurenko) Schipper]虽亦较大,但除此之外与多变根毛霉迥异。多变根毛霉未见有接合孢子,将我们保存的全部微小根毛霉菌株与它分别配对时,或将我们的几对别的属的(+)(-)测试菌株与它分别配对时,均未见形成接合孢子或有任何反应。  相似文献   
During the period of COVID-19, the occurrences of mucormycosis in immunocompromised patients have increased significantly. Mucormycosis (black fungus) is a rare and rapidly progressing fungal infection associated with high mortality and morbidity in India as well as globally. The causative agents for this infection are collectively called mucoromycetes which are the members of the order Mucorales. The diagnosis of the infection needs to be performed as soon as the occurrence of clinical symptoms which differs with types of Mucorales infection. Imaging techniques magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan, culture testing, and microscopy are the approaches for the diagnosis. After the diagnosis of the infection is confirmed, rapid action is needed for the treatment in the form of antifungal therapy or surgery depending upon the severity of the infection. Delaying in treatment declines the chances of survival. In antifungal therapy, there are two approaches first-line therapy (monotherapy) and combination therapy. Amphotericin B ( 1 ) and isavuconazole ( 2 ) are the drugs of choice for first-line therapy in the treatment of mucormycosis. Salvage therapy with posaconazole ( 3 ) and deferasirox ( 4 ) is another approach for patients who are not responsible for any other therapy. Adjunctive therapy is also used in the treatment of mucormycosis along with first-line therapy, which involves hyperbaric oxygen and cytokine therapy. There are some drugs like VT-1161 ( 5 ) and APX001A ( 6 ), Colistin, SCH 42427, and PC1244 that are under clinical trials. Despite all these approaches, none can be 100% successful in giving results. Therefore, new medications with favorable or little side effects are required for the treatment of mucormycosis.  相似文献   
一年多以前,我们报道了一种引致人类原发性皮肤毛霉病的病原真菌Rm6并定名为多变根毛霉((Rhizomucor variabilis Zheng & G.-q. Chen)。最近我们又发现了它的另外一个变种Rm7。它是北京医科大学第一医院的王端礼教授分离的,原编菌号4873。Rm7的病人和Rm6的情况很相近。她也是一个女病人,来自农村,患的同样是原发性皮肤病而没有患有其他的毛霉病或其他疾病,她的病也没有传染给她的家人。不同的是,她来自我国北部的河北省而不是南部的江苏省;她的病史更长,达16年之久;她的病部在脸上而不是在手上,并造成进食困难。Rm7和Rm6的培养物相似,也是亮黄色,但比较低矮。它与Rm6一样是非高温真菌,最适、最高、最低温度同样分别是24-30, 38,和9℃形态上的亲缘性也是显而易见的:两者都有匍匐菌丝和较发达的假根;孢子枝也是假轴分枝;孢子囊壁也是缓慢消解;有很不规则形状的囊轴;有明显的囊领;都有大量厚垣孢子。Rm7与Rm6的主要区别在于:(1)假根只从匍匐菌丝和气生菌丝上长出而不从孢子枝、孢子囊或囊轴等各处长出;(2)孢子枝可连续分枝达7次之多;(3)孢子枝在分枝处往往有一个隔膜;(4)往往在10天以上的培养物中才出现不规则形状的囊轴;(5)从未见有囊托;(6)孢囊孢子形状较规则,较短而不超过11 μm;(7)孢子囊和囊轴均较小,直径相应不超过70及30 μm.因此,我们将Rm7鉴定为Rm6的一个变种,并定名为较规则多变根毛霉新变种(Rhizomucor variabilis var. regularior Zheng & G.-q. Chen var.nov.)。这样,在根毛霉属内可以承认的共计5种6分类群。  相似文献   
目的探讨鼻眶脑毛霉菌病(ROCM)的临床与病理特征,提高对该病的认识和病理诊断水平。方法回顾分析首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院1998~2008年16例ROCM患者的病历资料。用HE、PAS和GMS染色显示组织病变特点及真菌的形态特征,对1例石蜡组织行透射电镜观察。结果 14例(87.5%)有基础疾病,2例(12.5%)无特殊病史。死亡5例(31.3%),3例死于ROCM,2例死于原发病。CT示鼻腔鼻窦软组织密度影16例,MRI示眶内(15例)和颅内(5例)异常信号影。真菌培养7例阳性(43.8%)。组织病理:16例均见组织凝固性坏死、真菌性血管炎及肉芽肿,骨质破坏9例,外周神经纤维坏死7例。特殊染色菌丝形态均符合毛霉目真菌;透射电镜见菌丝形态不规则,菌壁电子密度高。结论 ROCM主要见于糖尿病和血液系统恶性肿瘤者,亦见于无基础疾病者。常见致病菌为根霉和毛霉。在病变组织中找到符合毛霉目真菌形态特点的菌丝可确诊。对临床症状、影像学、真菌培养及病理学表现等多方面进行综合分析可明确诊断。  相似文献   
报道1例由小孢根霉变种导致的皮肤毛霉病.患者女,30岁.因患急性早幼粒细胞白血病,化疗后继发口腔颌面部小孢根霉变种感染,表现为发热、右侧颊黏膜水肿,皮损中央溃疡、焦痂,周边组织炎性水肿,以面颊部、颌下区为中心明显肿胀,逐渐累及右侧颈部及右下颌,进行性加重.坏死组织涂片镜检显示有粗大、无分隔直角菌丝,真菌学检查鉴定为小孢根霉,分子测序证实为小孢根霉变种.给予两性霉素B、伊曲康唑静脉滴注和手术清创,坏死组织连续3次真菌培养均未培养出小孢根霉变种,患者体温逐渐恢复正常,治疗2周后颔面部肿胀明显减退,浅表淋巴结未触及肿大,4周后额部及右眼睑肿胀已完全消退,伤口结痂愈合.随访2 a,右侧颌下可见长约2 cm手术疤痕,未见皮肤毛霉病复发.  相似文献   
Mucormycosis in immunocompetent hosts is rare, and is often related to trauma. We report a case of primary cutaneous mucormycosis in a 26 year old immunocompetent female due to Mucor species. A combination of Amphotericin B and surgical debridement completely eradicated the infection.  相似文献   
As the battle against the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is still continuing worldwide, several complications are being reported in patients who have recovered post-covid. One such lethal complication being reported in patients in India in recent times, who have tested positive for Covid-19 and are gradually recovering, is a fungal disease called Mucormycosis or the black fungus. With several hundreds of cases being reported all over the country, it has triggered an additional wave of panic among the general public. Post-Covid-19 patients who are more vulnerable to Mucormycosis are those with a history of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and also those who are immuno-compromised and have been treated with steroids and other drugs for Covid-19. The aim of this short review is to briefly cover the epidemiology of mucormycosis, its possible pathophysiology in Post Covid scenario, the clinical presentation and its diagnosis and management.  相似文献   
Kamei  Katsuhiko 《Mycopathologia》2001,152(1):5-13
Infections caused by zygomycetes, which have been increasing in recent years, are known for their difficulty of diagnosis and treatment. Because little is known about this fungus and its infection, vigorous research is now in serious demand. As in many other systemic mycoses, animal model studies are essential in the investigation of zygomycosis, particularly for the study of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. Unfortunately, such studies have been limited when compared with those of aspergillosis. To help investigating the disease, here in this review article, the profile of human zygomycosis is briefly described, followed by a review of the heretofore used animal models of zygomycosis. Among clinically important zygomycetes causing human infection, animal models are available for Absidia corymbifera,Rhizopus oryzae,R. microsporus var.rhizopodiformis, Rhizomucor pusillus and Cunninghamella bertholletiae. Mice are the most commonly used animals, but models using guinea pigs and rabbits are also available. Pretreatment of animals with cyclophosphamide, corticosteroid, alloxan or streptozocine is frequently done to create an immunocompromised state. Treatment with desferrioxamine, an iron chelator, is also used to make animal models. In terms of the route of infection, the airborne route is used for pathophysiological studies in pulmonary infection models, but sometimes intravenous injection is preferred, particularly for antifungal drug studies. When pathophysiological analysis is the purpose of the study, the animals must be cautiously examined both histopathologically and mycologically. For the most part, zygomycosis model studies can be performed in a similar manner to those of aspergillosis. However, Aspergillus spp. and zygomycetes are completely different fungi, and researchers should be aware of the specific, critical aspects when handling zygomycosis models, such as homogenization of infected organs and staining of pathological samples. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
报道1例由多变根毛霉引起的面部皮肤毛霉病.患者男,65岁,面部结节斑块伴痒半年余.皮损组织病理检查示真皮中下层有炎细胞及多核巨细胞浸润,并见粗大较短的无隔菌丝.经真菌培养和分子生物学鉴定,菌种鉴定为多变根毛霉.皮损经短时两性霉素B治疗后好转.  相似文献   
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